“My vida mi libertad”
“My life my freedom”
Carlota Galgos Rescue Canada is a community sharing the story of the Galgo Español and helping hounds find loving homes in Canada.
“My vida mi libertad”
“My life my freedom”
Carlota Galgos Rescue Canada is a community sharing the story of the Galgo Español and helping hounds find loving homes in Canada.
Adopt a galgo
Learn about the adoption process and search for galgos who are ready to find their forever home in Canada.
Join our community
Stay in touch with the finca hounds and members of the Carlota Galgos community around the world.
In Support of 112 Carlota Galgos
112 Carlota Galgos is a family-run non-profit organization located in Malaga Spain, that rescues, heals, and finds forever homes for abandoned Galgo Españols.

In support of 112 Carlota Galgos
112 Carlota Galgos is a family-run non-profit organization located in Malaga Spain, that rescues, heals, and finds forever homes for abandoned Galgo Españols.