
I've named this girl Tehila. ( Meaning song of praise) .. This girl has some serious issues with her leg. She had what looks like an injury healed like her carpus was trapped. A trap. A door. Who can tell? But what looks like gross infection of the bone is very very concerning. She's negative leishmania erlichea Filaria anaplasma babesia. This was a very complicated case, read on: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=780145047472690&set=a.1493513254029602 Last update: UPDATE - 23/10/2023: Tehilas come home with good news. She doesn't need to return for a month. The plates healing slowly but surely. Out of protection for the wound we cannot remove the isabelina yet. But she's on her way!!!!!!! Yeyyyyyy!!!!!! Lights on, candles burn bright for Tehila. Welcome to care sweet girl and a lifetime of love.